Page 217 - lgs max kamp
P. 217

8. Sınıf İngilizce                                                                            Kamp Max - 7

           3.   Daisy, John, Tina and Alex are at a restaurant and   5.
                they are talking about Trabzon.                                                 I  was  in  Şanlıurfa  last
                                         There are lots of places                               summer.  It  is  really  an
                                                                                                authentic city. It is famous
                 Trabzon  has  a  rich  dish   to stay in Trabzon. You
                 culture. Kuymak, hamsi   can find bed and                                      for  its  stories  about
                 buğulama  and  Akçaabat   breakfast hotels, hostels,                           the  prophets.  I  visited
                 meatball are some       all-inclusive  hotels  and                             historic  places  such  as
                 delicious examples.     state guesthouses.              Harran Castle and Göbeklitepe. Balıklıgöl is also worth
                                                                         seeing. Moreover, I ate çiğ köfte, mırra and kebab. It was
                         Daisy                   John                    one of the best places for me to relax and refresh.

                 Trabzon is the biggest city   There are lots of places to
                 in  the  Eastern  Black  Sea   see in Trabzon. Sümela     Which of the following questions does NOT have
                 region.  Its  population  is   Monastery, Uzungöl, Aya  an answer in the text?
                 758,237 and has an area   Sofya Mosque and
                 of 4,664 km .          Atatürk’s Mansion are          A)  What can you taste in Şanlıurfa?
                                        just a few examples.
                                                                       B)  Where can you stay in Şanlıurfa?
                         Tina                    Alex                  C)  What is Şanlıurfa famous for?

                                                                       D)  Where can you visit in Şanlıurfa?
                Who is talking about the tourist destinations in
                A)  Daisy              B)  John
                C)  Tina               D)  Alex                   6.   Maria lives in England. She goes on vacation every
                                                                       year. She wants to try a different kind of holiday this
           4.   Researchers asked teenagers and adults about the       year. The form below shows Maria’s experiences.
                types of places they preferred on their holidays. Here
                are the results:
                    Number of people                                       Have you ever...
                                                                           seen a historic place?   ✓  YES    NO
                 90                     Adults    Teenagers                visited a museum?          YES     NO
                 80                                                                                 ✓
                 70                                                        travel on a ship?          YES ✓   NO
                 40                                                        walked on golden sand    ✓  YES    NO
                 30                                                        beaches?
                 20                                                        spent time with wild animals?  YES ✓  NO
                  0                             Types of places
                   Ancient Countryside Urban  Seaside
                   place          place
                                                                       According to the information above, what kind of
                Which of the following is CORRECT according to         holiday can Maria try this year?
                the results?
                                                                       A)                     B)
                A)  Teenagers  go  on  seaside  holiday  more  than
                   adults do.
                B)  Adults would rather modern places than ancient
                C)  Historic  places  are  the  most  popular  types  of   C)                 D)
                   places for adults.
                D)  Rural places are the least popular among adults
                   and teenagers.

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