Page 148 - ATA YAYINCILIK 3. Sınıf Çıtır Çıtır Tüm Dersler Soru Bankası 2. Kitap (2. Dönem)
P. 148


                       General Revision 2
                                                             Ad Soyad : ........................................................

           1 - 3. sorularda boş bırakılan                       A: Is the pigeon black?
           yere gelmesi gereken seçeneği                        B: .............................

                                                              A) No. It is grey.

          1.                                                  B)  No. It isn't grey.
                                                              C) Yes. It is black.

                                                            4 ve 5. sorularda eşleştirmenin doğru
                                                            olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

                           It is in the                   4.
                           bathroom.                           A)                  B)

             A) Where is the television?

             B)  Where is the kettle?
             C) Where is the soap?                                It is sunny.         It is snowy.


                                                                            It’s cloudy.



                            You can go
                            by plane.

                                                                    How is the weather?
             A) Where is the plane?
             B)  How can I go to Amasya?                      A) It is cold and sunny.

             C) How can I go to the library?
                                                              B)  It is cold and snowy.

                                                              C) It is cold and rainy.

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