Page 182 - ATA YAYINCILIK 3. Sınıf Çıtır Çıtır Tüm Dersler Soru Bankası 1. Kitap (1. Dönem)
P. 182

C.  Cümleleri okuyarak kişilerin isimlerini örnekteki gibi yazalım.

                a                              b                         c

                           Hello!                      Hello, I’m              Good afternoon
                        I’m Melike.                     Filiz. I’m                I’m Kemal.
                        I’m tall and                    fat but I                 I’m strong.
                         I can play                    can jump.                    I can lift
                        basketball.                                                 weight.

                              d                          e

                                    Good morning               Good evening!
                                      I’m Canan.                 I’m Ömer.
                                        I’m old.                 I can sing
                                    I can’t run fast.           and dance.

               1.                2.                3.               4.                  5.  Melike

          D. Görsele bakarak doğru olan cümleyi örnekteki gibi işaretleyelim.

              1. That is my father.    ✓

                 This is my father.

              2. This is my sister.
                  That is my sister.

              3. That is my uncle.
                  This is my uncle.

              4. That is my brother.
                  This is my brother.

              5. That is my grandmother.                                                            181

                  This is my grandmother.
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